Sunday, October 14, 2012

星島日報 > 芝加哥新聞 > 馬來西亞同鄉會改選新會長蘇珊潔迪生


2012-10-13打印 ] [    ]
  芝加哥馬來西亞同鄉會與日前舉行2012 -2013年度新職員改選,蘇珊潔迪生( 前中Susan Christensen)榮獲為新會長。 圖為部份大馬同鄉會的鄉親合影,右一和左一分別為前會長鄭金光醫生和簡英彬。大馬同鄉會在大芝加哥地區也有上千位同鄉,也包括了新加坡的鄉親在內, 每一年的8月30日,大馬同鄉會均會在戴利廣場舉行升旗禮; 在春節和聖誕佳節期間,也分別舉行聯誼晚會,異國風情的文娛節目和美味食物,往往讓與會者大開眼界。圖與文: 梁敏育

Monday, September 24, 2012

MCC Officers 2012-2014

President: Sue Christensen
Vice-President: Yogandran Ponnusamy
Secretary: Yves Ng
Treasurer: Steven Yap

Sunday, September 2, 2012

芝市同鄉會升國旗 慶大馬獨立55周年 2012-09-01 [ 打印 ] [ 大 中 小 ]
  本報記者梁敏育芝加哥報道:8月31日是馬來西亞獨立第55 周年,旅居大芝加哥地區的大馬同鄉會的成員,于31日中午在戴利廣場舉行簡單而莊重的升旗典禮。出席的嘉賓包括了前任會長簡英彬,鄭金光,駐芝加哥大馬教育部主任賈瑪魯町(Dr. Roslan Jamaludin), 25區區長資深顧問李雙振等多位。   戴利廣場擺滿了充滿了馬來西亞熱帶風情的攤位,精美的木刻藝術品,熱情似火的沙龍服飾,多姿多彩的首飾,引人垂涎三尺的美味小吃等,將戴利廣場變身為熱帶島嶼,加上當天芝加哥的氣溫高達華氏95度,濕度又高,在艷陽高照下,人人揮汗如雨,好像真的處身在大馬一樣。   精武功夫的瑞獅在隆隆鼓聲中,忽上忽下地飛騰者,最後刁出「如意」的祝福橫聯,博得全場掌聲如雷。眾人在餵過吉利紅包之後,莊嚴的美國國歌響起,跟著大馬國歌奏出時,大馬同鄉會前會長簡英彬在鄉親的協助下,徐徐升起馬來西亞的國旗,微風中,兩個的國旗以及芝加哥的市旗,在芝加哥的高空中冉冉飄動,象徵兩國人民的友好。   大馬同鄉會會長鄭金森由於有公務不克前來,慶祝國慶儀式由前任會長簡英彬主持。她歡迎大家的光臨,和大馬同胞一起慶賀大馬第55周年獨立日。她介紹馬來西亞於1955年8月31日宣佈脫離英國英聯邦而獨立。馬來西亞是個熱帶國家,物資豐盛,人民安居樂業,大馬共有人口超過2800萬人,分別是巫,華,印度和歐洲人,是個種族大溶爐的多元化的美麗國土。 她還有所有美國朋友又機會必要到大馬遊玩,觀賞美麗的熱帶風情,享用獨特的大馬食物。   鄭金光醫生也提及大芝加哥地區的大馬同鄉會成立於1999年,目前共有500多戶大馬,連同新加坡的鄉親們,約有上千名會員。 每一年,大馬同鄉會舉行新春慶典,夏天有燒烤聯誼,希望日後同鄉們會有更多的聯繫時光。鄭金光興奮地表示今年5月間,大馬同鄉會連同18個亞裔社區,在唐人街華埠廣場舉辦了「亞裔嘉年華會」,將亞裔社區不同的文化,歷史和藝術一一展示在美國友人的眼前,獲得空前的成功。   李雙振也代表市長伊曼紐恭賀馬來西亞獨立日,他聲稱伊曼紐市長一直表揚芝加哥是個多元化的城市,是對移民最友好的城市。

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

星島日報 > 芝加哥新聞 > 大馬同鄉會主辦亞太裔嘉年華會 芝加哥新聞 大馬同鄉會主辦亞太裔嘉年華會 2012-05-08 [ 打印 ] [ 大 中 小 ]   本報記者梁敏育芝加哥報道:由芝加哥馬來西亞同鄉會主辦,加上芝市18個不同族裔社區的代表,聯合 舉辦的「慶賀亞太裔嘉年華會」, 5日下午在南華埠廣場隆重展開。
芝市18個不同族裔一同慶賀亞太裔傳統月,華埠廣場一片熱鬧歡騰。梁敏育攝    往年,戴利廣場舉行為期一周的慶祝亞太裔傳統月的戶外活動,包括文娛表演,小吃和禮品攤位等,總是吸引成千上萬的民眾前往觀賞;但今年由於北約高峰會議在5月20日及21日在麥康米展覽中心舉行,為了安全起見,因此今年的慶祝改在南華埠舉行,也將一周的活動縮短為一個下午;但各族裔的表演團隊,依然落力演出,而圍觀的民眾也熱烈捧場;來自各族裔社區的友人,均穿上其國家的傳統服飾,色彩艷麗令人目不暇給,會場充滿了歡欣熱鬧的氣氛。   當天出席的政界和各社區的嘉賓眾多;包括了伊州州務卿傑西懷特;聯邦參議員寇克(Mark Kirks)的助理麥特雅柏(Matt Abbot);25區區長顧問李雙振;駐芝加哥中領館盧坤副總領事等;穿著傳統沙龍的大馬同胞以馬來手鼓將嘉賓帶進會場,精武體育中心的雙醒獅,在隆隆鼓聲中繞場飛舞,吸引了在吃飯和購物的民眾圍聚觀看。   莊嚴的國歌之後,嘉年華會隨即啟動。 大會由大馬同鄉會副會長譚婉容主持。
菲律賓的傳統舞蹈「竹竿舞」,舞者年輕可愛,笑容可掬。梁敏育攝    州務卿懷特,盧坤副總領事均向伊州的亞太裔族人送上祝賀,並希望在各族人同心協力合作下,爭取更好的未來。    大馬同鄉會會長鄭金森致辭歡迎大家,他表示大馬同鄉會第一次擔任主辦單位,和各社區友人一起慶賀亞太裔傳統月;同時今年南華埠慶祝百年慶,真是喜上加喜!鄭金森指出一百年前,唐人街人口稀少;走過一百年的時光,如今的唐人街已經成為遊客必到之處,也是市民前來用膳,購物以及認識中國文化歷史的好去處,特別是華埠博物館,更讓人們月瞭解了中國的歷史習俗和文化。    當天的節目豐富多姿,懷特的青年翻滾隊首先登場,只見一群生氣勃勃的年青人,矯健靈活的翻騰,讓人看得眼花撩亂,特別是高齡77歲的州務卿,居然還可以用頭鼎立,讓翻騰的隊員飛身而過,使觀眾不禁大力鼓掌讚揚。   其他節目由菲律賓的竹竿舞,泰國的古典指甲舞,印尼舞者表演「洗衣舞」,華諮處課後舞蹈班以「紅綢舞」獻給大家,少林寺的武術團表演精湛高深的功夫;各社區的藝人分別上場表演,讓民眾大開眼界。   當天的壓軸好戲是蘋果的產品,iPod 和iPad幸運摸獎,獲獎人都大呼不可思議,不相信幸運之神居然降臨!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Asian American Heritage Month 2012

Asian American Heritage Month Cultural Show hosted by the Malaysian Club of Chicago.

Date: Saturday May 5, 2012

Time: 2:00pm

Location: Chicago Chinatown Square Outdoor Stage

Main Sponsor:
Supermax Healthcare, Inc.(

Regular Sponsor:

In-kind donations:
Phoenix Restaurant
Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
Holabird and Root, LLC
World Book, Inc
Long Life Apartments
McArthur Foundation
Triple Crown
St Stains L Kostka Elementary School

Participating Organizations:
Chinese American Museum of Chicago
Chicago Children's Museum
Chicago Chinese Cultural Center (Chinese Lion Dance)
MCC's Kompang Troupe
Shaolin Kung Fu demonstration
Indonesian Community
Korean Americans Community
Indian Bollywood Dance
Filipino Tinikling Group
Punjabi Bangra
Nepalese Community
Jesse White Tumbling Team

as of April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Apple Picking in May"

"Apple Picking in May"
A giveaway of Apple Products to celebrate Asian American Heritage Month

Media contact: Dr Tee (630) 309-9399

CHICAGO (April 5, 2012) – Malaysian Club of Chicago (MCC) announces that it will host its’ first-ever Asian Cultural show in celebration of Asian American Heritage Month and Chinatown’s 100th Birthday. The celebration will be held in collaboration with 18 other Asian communities on Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 2:00pm at the Chinatown Square outdoor stage.

Several Asian associations and museums (Chinese-American Museum of Chicago and Chicago Children's Museum) will offer such activities such as: craft making, face painting, balloon artistry, opera mask making, henna painting and many more activities for the entire family. A Chinese Lion Dance, and Malaysian Kompang will lead the grandiose opening. We encourage the general public to take part in rhythmic Malaysian Joget, Indian Bollywood, Filipino Tinikling, Punjabi Bangra as well as other forms of participation dancing. Sit back and enjoy the many performances of the participating Asian groups such as the Nepalese community as well as those by the Korean community. Bring your cameras and have fun taking pictures with Asians dressed in their native costumes.

Our highlight of course will be "Apple Picking" which is the raffle of Apple products such as iPads and iPods courtesy of Supermax Healthcare, Inc.

This event is free to the public and it will provide an opportunity for families to experience the many cultures of Asian countries in their own backyard.

Flag Raising 8-31-2010

Past Events Highlights

2010 Gala Dinner

2001 Merdeka Celebration at Sakuma Restaurant (August 25th)

2001 Asian American Heritage month 2002 MCC participated in Parade

2002 New Year Celebration, Jockey Restaurant

2002 Cruise & Fireworks

2002 Merdeka Celebration (and new committee election), Jockey Restaurant

2003 New Year Celebration, Sabri Nihari restaurant, Lombard

2003 Cruise & Fireworks

2003 Merdeka Celebration, Lord's Park, Elgin

2004 New Year Celebration, Furama Restaurant (January 10th)

2004 Cruise & Fireworks, Chicago First Lady (July 4th)

2004 Merdeka Celebration, Camera Park (election) (September 5th)

2005 Tsunami Fund Raising for Red Cross (January)

2005 New Year Celebration, joint event with SCC, Furama Restaurant (January 22nd)

2005 Merdeka Celebration, Blackberry Farm's Pioneer Village (August 27th)

2006 Malaysian Night, Mandarin Restaurant, Lisle (March 4th)

2006 Merdeka Picnic, Busse Wood Park, Schaumburg (August 27)

2007 Annual Dinner, Furama Restaurant (March 10th)

2007 Merdeka Celebration, Busse Wood Park, Schaumburg (August 26th)

2007 Flag Raising, Richard M. Daley Plaza, Chicago (September 12th)

2008 Annual Dinner, Furama Restaurant (April 12th)

2009 Merdeka Picnic, Volkening Lake, Schaumburg (August 13th)

2010 Makan Ria, Shahi Nihari, Lombard (June 6th)

2001 Kompang performance during Asian American Heritage month

Hari Raya and Chinese New Year Celebration :
Malaysian Club of Chicago celebrated their first annual Hari Raya and Chinese New Year Celebration on January 13, 2001 at Chinese Cultural Center in Westmont. Over three hundred Malaysians joined in the celebration.

On September 24, 2000 the Malaysian Club of Chicago co-sponsored the Moon Festival 2000 in Chinatown Square Center Stage. Seven members of the Malaysian Club of Chicago participated in a Kompang performance. Mr. Hamidi Harun, special events director for MCC, gave a brief explanation of the history of Kompang.

On September 3 , 2000 the Malaysian Club of Chicago celebrated their 43rd Merdeka 2000 with a reception and dinner at the Westin Hotel in downtown Chicago. The guest of honor for the evening was YAB Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad-the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

MCC's Board Members 2010-2012

Board Members
2010 – 2012

Dato Seri Stanley Thai

Student Dr. Celine Thum

2nd Vice-President:
Mr. Yogan Ponnusamy

Student Dr. Eric Tee

Ms. Cecile Thai

Committee Members :

Datin Seri Cheryl Tan

John Williams

Azalena Williams

Nehru Arunasalam

Zie Hamidi

Keat Lee

Scott Phelan

CK Tan

Sabrina Chan

Parvathy Ponnusamy

Kathy J. Tee

Sarah Schuster

Clifford Chew

Honorary Advisor :

Tan Sri Roger Bertelson

Past Presidents & Lifetime Advisors :

Dr. Kim K. Tee

Hamidi Harun

Yin Kean

Malaysian Club of Chicago's Objectives

Malaysian Club of Chicago (MCC) is a not-for-profit organization formed on October 18th, 1999. It is registered in the State of Illinois.

The objectives of the formation of MCC are:

To be a civic and social organization.

To promote the personal and professional development of the Malaysian American community.

To sponsor and support activities that enhance the cultural awareness and perception of Malaysian Americans.

To enhance the business and career environment for Malaysian Americans.