Tuesday, December 30, 2014
AirAsia QZ8501 crashed
Malaysian Club of Chicago sends our condolences to the families of the victims of the Malaysia-based AirAsia QZ8501 crashed into Java Sea.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
AirAsia Flight 8501
Our thoughts & prayers are with the passengers & crew members of the missing Malaysian owned AirAsia flight 8501.
Malaysian Club of Chicago
Saturday, December 13, 2014
MCC Officers 2014-2016
Congratulations to the following MCC Officers elected today (12-13-14) for 2014-2016:
President: Sue Christensen
Vice-President: Azelena Williams
Treasurer: Catherine Wang
Co-Secretaries: Yves Ng
Lawrence (Larry) Vandre
President: Sue Christensen
Vice-President: Azelena Williams
Treasurer: Catherine Wang
Co-Secretaries: Yves Ng
Lawrence (Larry) Vandre
Monday, December 8, 2014
MCC election 2014
To ALL members of MCC:
Malaysian Club of Chicago will hold a Special Election for the purpose of electing 2014-2016 Officers.
Date: December 13, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00pm
Address: 553 West 31st Street Chicago IL 60616
Malaysian Club of Chicago will hold a Special Election for the purpose of electing 2014-2016 Officers.
Date: December 13, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00pm
Address: 553 West 31st Street Chicago IL 60616
Please come to vote for the new officers. Thank you!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Malaysian flag raising (Merdeka 2014)
The Malaysian American community celebrates Merdeka 2014 (57th Malaysian Independence Day) at the Daley Plaza with raising the Malaysian flag alongside the US Flag. Both
US and Malaysian National Anthem will be played when the flag is raised.
US and Malaysian National Anthem will be played when the flag is raised.
Noon time audience will enjoy this exceptional moment where the City of Chicago declares a day of Malaysian Independence Day and the sharing of Malaysian culture in the program.
Time: 12 pm - 1pm (Gather at 11:30pm)
Location: Daley Plaza, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 603-3054Do drop by and be part of this annual historic moment of the Malaysian Flag flying with the US Flag in the City of Chicago.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Malaysia Flag Raising at Daley Plaza (Friday, Aug 29, 2014 at 11:30am)
In conjunction with Malaysia’s 57th Independence Day Celebration which fall on 31st August, Malaysian Club of Chicago will host a "Flag Raising Ceremony" .
Every year, Malaysians in Chicago will gather at Daley Plaza for “Flag Raising Ceremony”, a symbolic and patriotic event where Malaysian are given the opportunity to raise the Malaysian flag there. Since the location is among the tourist attractions in Chicago, people who are happened to be at the venue would get the opportunities to witness the ceremony and understand about Malaysia from the explanation given by Malaysian who are present and from the brochures provided at the available booths.
Come and join Education Malaysia Chicago to witness the great event.
Every year, Malaysians in Chicago will gather at Daley Plaza for “Flag Raising Ceremony”, a symbolic and patriotic event where Malaysian are given the opportunity to raise the Malaysian flag there. Since the location is among the tourist attractions in Chicago, people who are happened to be at the venue would get the opportunities to witness the ceremony and understand about Malaysia from the explanation given by Malaysian who are present and from the brochures provided at the available booths.
Come and join Education Malaysia Chicago to witness the great event.
Merdeka Celebration - Aug 30, 2014
Merdeka Day's Picnic @ Preserve Forest Busse Woods, Schaumburg, IL - August 30, 2014
MCC is organizing Malaysia Merdeka Day's (Malaysia Independence Day) Picnic event in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration.
Local Malaysian delicacies will be served to satisfy your craving and feel like home so do not miss this chance.
Besides food, we also will have some games, activities and competitions for kids and adults. Absolutely a fun family event! Please come and join us on August 30, 2014 (Saturday).
12:30 p.m. Guests arrival and check-in
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2.00 p.m. - 6 p.m. Games, activities and competitions
Fee: $10 per person age 12 or over ($11.34 w/ service fee)
Free entrance for kids from age 0 ~11
Online ticket will end by Wednesday Aug 27, 2014 @11:59pm. However you still can purchase your ticket onsite at $20 per person age 12 or over.
Location: our picnic is at Busse Woods again but in a different grove. Make sure you look for Grove 29. It is located at the junction of I-90 and I-290 in Schaumburg. Exit I-290 and go straight until you reach Golf Road. At the traffic light turn right going east. Then take the FIRST RIGHT entrance into Busse Woods. The Merdeka Day's Picnic is at Grove Shelter 29. (attached Map)
Please bring lawn chairs and blankets.
Please call Sue at 847-226-4361 or email: malaysianclubchicago@gmail.com if you have any questions. See you there, rain or shine.
Malaysian Club of Chicago (MCC)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Upcoming Events- Flag Raising Ceremony & Merdeka Day's Picnic
Hi MCC Friends and Families,
Sunday, July 20, 2014
MH17 victim: Elaine Teoh
【留澳槟城女大学生证实在MH17乘客名单中】 ,真是天忌红颜啊!大家默默哀悼祈福…
【留澳槟城女大学生证实在MH17乘客名单中】 在澳洲著名的墨尔本大学求学的马来西亚槟城女生Elaine Teoh,已被证实在被击落客机的乘客名单中。
Thursday, July 17, 2014
MH17 Candle lights vigil July 18, 2014
MH17 crashed today
Our thoughts & prayers are with the families of the victims of the MH17 crashed today.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
MAS MH370 candle light prayers
Fox Ch12:
Fox Ch12:
Monday, March 24, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Malaysian Airlines MH370
Here is the link re yesterday's interview:
National and World News
Malaysian flight missing, may have turned back before disappearing
Read more: http://wgntv.com/2014/03/09/malaysian-flight-missing-presumed-crashed-in-south-china-sea/#ixzz2vTzgtfyn
National and World News
Malaysian flight missing, may have turned back before disappearing
Officially the plane is still listed as missing but few are optimistic and most, including those of the Malaysian community here in Chicago, are already passing along their condolences.
In Beijing where Malaysia airlines flight MH370 was supposed to land, families and loved ones of the 239 on board wait for word on what happened after air traffic control lost contact with flight shortly after it took off from Kula Lumpur.
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein Malaysian acting Minister of Transportation, “We are trying to do everything in our powers to find where the plane is.”
A Vietnamese pilot spotted some oil slicks while flying over a search area in the South China Sea but so far no traces of the Boeing 777.
Jim Tilman aviation expert, “It sounds like a really bad situation. I’ve been trying to come up with every scenario that it could just to explain this way but I haven’t been very successful.”
Catastrophic failure is the leading explanation for a plane with an excellent safety record. The passengers on board hailed from at least a dozen different countries, though more than half were Chinese nationals.
Three were Americans ob board, an adult with ties to Texas who had been working in Asia for IBM and two young children ages 2 and 4.
Kim Tee of the Malaysian Club of Chicago says, “Kind of praying and waiting.”
Doctor Kim Tee, the founder and president of the Malaysian Club of Chicago says he’s been watching the coverage of the disappearance since last night. Doctor Tee says there are about 300 to 500 Malaysian families in Chicago.
I’ve been trying to contact them all to find out if any family members find out if they are any passengers or not.
So far everyone he’s contacted has been accounted for, but he knows his country is hurting.
“Very difficult, my heart goes out the passengers and family and crew members.”
As the search continues, US authorities have been investigating what if any connection the two people who used stolen passports may have had in the disappearance.
Of the two passports one was reported stolen from an Italian the other from an Austrian who had their passport stolen more than two years ago. Also tonight we are learning that 20 on board were working with a Texas based semiconductor company.
Read more: http://wgntv.com/2014/03/09/malaysian-flight-missing-presumed-crashed-in-south-china-sea/#ixzz2vTzgtfyn
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
AACC Awards 2-22-2014
迎接馬年的大芝加哥亞裔聯盟農曆新年晚會,22日在歐海爾機場凱悅飯店舉行,華人社區除了華埠更好團結聯盟主席陳增華獲頒「泛亞美譚繼平紀念獎」(Pan Asian American Ping Tom Memorial Award)外,另有蕭艾萍(AnneI-Pin Shaw)、梅曉鋒(Derek Mei)、Kevin Lim、鄭麗霞(Alicia Tee)、徐明慧(Victoria Tu)等五位華裔,都在今年晚會多個項目獲頒獎表揚。
進入第31屆的大芝加哥亞裔聯盟農曆新年晚會,今年由日裔社區主辦。大會以「超越竹子天花板」(Beyond the Bamboo Ceiling)為主題。
以非亞裔友人為表揚對象的「Sandra Otaka亞美大獎」(Grand Asian American Sandra Otaka Memorial Award)今年頒給了聯邦眾議員蕭考斯基(Jan Schakowsky)。蕭考斯基擔任伊州民代八年,於1998年當選聯邦眾議員至今,是移民眼中公認優秀民代。
他記得當時的州長湯普森宣布任命韓裔Shinae Chun為第一任州長辦公室亞裔美人聯絡人,後來Shinae Chun當上聯邦勞工部婦女局局長。他並提到譚繼平對亞美社區的付出,以及謝祖諒爭取華埠社區中心的堅持等故事。
晚會中還頒發模範社區服務獎,今年華裔社區得主為蕭氏法律公司負責人蕭艾萍(Anne I.Shaw),她曾任大芝加哥亞裔律師協會會長,經常參與義務法律諮詢服務,並協助推動美容證照中文考試,蕭艾萍亦計畫角逐芝市第一區區長。
就讀Muchin預備學院12級學生梅曉鋒,多年來參與華諮處活動,擔任芝加哥馬拉松義工、投入同輩陪審團計畫等,是今年傑出青年獎華裔社區得主。馬來西亞裔社區傑出青年獎得主鄭麗霞,繼父親鄭金光及哥哥之後,也因其義工服務熱忱,獲得大芝加哥亞裔聯盟頒獎表揚。獲得馬來西亞社區模範社區服務獎的Kevin Lim長期支持社區及文化活動,總是默默付出,不求回報。
進入第31屆的大芝加哥亞裔聯盟農曆新年晚會,今年由日裔社區主辦。大會以「超越竹子天花板」(Beyond the Bamboo Ceiling)為主題。
以非亞裔友人為表揚對象的「Sandra Otaka亞美大獎」(Grand Asian American Sandra Otaka Memorial Award)今年頒給了聯邦眾議員蕭考斯基(Jan Schakowsky)。蕭考斯基擔任伊州民代八年,於1998年當選聯邦眾議員至今,是移民眼中公認優秀民代。
他記得當時的州長湯普森宣布任命韓裔Shinae Chun為第一任州長辦公室亞裔美人聯絡人,後來Shinae Chun當上聯邦勞工部婦女局局長。他並提到譚繼平對亞美社區的付出,以及謝祖諒爭取華埠社區中心的堅持等故事。
晚會中還頒發模範社區服務獎,今年華裔社區得主為蕭氏法律公司負責人蕭艾萍(Anne I.Shaw),她曾任大芝加哥亞裔律師協會會長,經常參與義務法律諮詢服務,並協助推動美容證照中文考試,蕭艾萍亦計畫角逐芝市第一區區長。
就讀Muchin預備學院12級學生梅曉鋒,多年來參與華諮處活動,擔任芝加哥馬拉松義工、投入同輩陪審團計畫等,是今年傑出青年獎華裔社區得主。馬來西亞裔社區傑出青年獎得主鄭麗霞,繼父親鄭金光及哥哥之後,也因其義工服務熱忱,獲得大芝加哥亞裔聯盟頒獎表揚。獲得馬來西亞社區模範社區服務獎的Kevin Lim長期支持社區及文化活動,總是默默付出,不求回報。
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Chinese New Year Party - Feb 15, 2014
Happy New Year! MCC wishes you and your family good luck, good health, prosperity and more happiness in 2014 and in the Year of the Horse.
Please join us on FEB 15, 2014 (Saturday) 2pm ~ 7pm to celebrate Chinese New Year with good cheer and good food. It's a CNY tradition that guests bring "gifts" for the host ("Pai Nien") to build up more good luck . So please bring either homemade (or store-bought also can lah) appetizers, snacks, kuih or dessert to share during "teh tarik" time. We will prepare dinner and Yu Sang (traditional dish that Malaysian Chinese have during CNY - bring us good luck).
Highlight: Kids, don't miss this chance to receive Ang Pow (red pocket) from Prosperity God "Choi Sun Yeh". Start practicing your Chinese phrase "Gong Xi Fatt Chai"
2 p.m. - Arrival of guests. Social time with Teh and Snacks
4 p.m. - Children Presentation and Ang Pow time
4.28 p.m. (@16.28 p.m.) - Toss Yu Sang
5 p.m. - Dinner
6 p.m. - Lucky Draw
Location: Barrington Square Main Hall @ 1800 Williamsburg Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Admission: $9.68++ per person age 12 or over (total $11.01 w/service fee per ticket).http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/557539
Important Note: Due to limited capacity of 100 person max and strict guidelines of no-cash-transaction on the premises, please RSVP online earlyhttp://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/557539. No walk-ins available once the event is sold out. Online ticket sale will end byWednesday Feb 13, 2014 @11:59pm or earlier if the tickets are sold out. Please remember to bring your confirmation with you during check-in.
Stay Warm and Gong Xi Fatt Chai!
Please call Sue at 847-226-4361 or email:malaysianclubchicago@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Please join us on FEB 15, 2014 (Saturday) 2pm ~ 7pm to celebrate Chinese New Year with good cheer and good food. It's a CNY tradition that guests bring "gifts" for the host ("Pai Nien") to build up more good luck . So please bring either homemade (or store-bought also can lah) appetizers, snacks, kuih or dessert to share during "teh tarik" time. We will prepare dinner and Yu Sang (traditional dish that Malaysian Chinese have during CNY - bring us good luck).
Highlight: Kids, don't miss this chance to receive Ang Pow (red pocket) from Prosperity God "Choi Sun Yeh". Start practicing your Chinese phrase "Gong Xi Fatt Chai"
2 p.m. - Arrival of guests. Social time with Teh and Snacks
4 p.m. - Children Presentation and Ang Pow time
4.28 p.m. (@16.28 p.m.) - Toss Yu Sang
5 p.m. - Dinner
6 p.m. - Lucky Draw
Location: Barrington Square Main Hall @ 1800 Williamsburg Dr, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
Admission: $9.68++ per person age 12 or over (total $11.01 w/service fee per ticket).http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/557539
Important Note: Due to limited capacity of 100 person max and strict guidelines of no-cash-transaction on the premises, please RSVP online earlyhttp://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/557539. No walk-ins available once the event is sold out. Online ticket sale will end byWednesday Feb 13, 2014 @11:59pm or earlier if the tickets are sold out. Please remember to bring your confirmation with you during check-in.
Stay Warm and Gong Xi Fatt Chai!
Please call Sue at 847-226-4361 or email:malaysianclubchicago@gmail.com if you have any questions.
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